Our NorthChain Academy has as its goal to offer education, knowledge sharing, and cross fertilization of best practices. For companies and individuals, we train people to become OLE-instructors, who subsequently can train OLE-engineers within the own company or within organizations of clients. Instructors and engineers are both certified by NorthChain, guaranteeing the highest possible standards.
NorthChain organizes knowledge sharing days, where we also share innovations, and offer re-certification facilities. In this manner, we establish an open knowledge platform and a win-win situation for all parties involved.
NorthChain trains OLE-instructors in an intensive, 6-day course. The 3 days OLE engineer and additional 3 days instructor training. This can take place in-house, but also on location. NorthChain OLE-instructors, together with the support offered by the NorthChain back office, form the helpdesk for any use case being developed by OLE-engineers.
As certified OLE-instructor, you are a champion in the realm of blockchain design.
In a three-day training, we will share our knowledge with you and your IT-specialists, engineers, and consultants. You will be trained by one of the certified OLE-instructors.The training consists of a one-day theoretical part, followed by 2 days of practical training. The practical-training part offers the possibility to bring in your own use-case application, leading up to the creation of your own private blockchain for that particular application. After having followed this training, you can:
NorthChain understands that in the current market place it is essential to share knowledge in order to build strong- and long-lasting relationships. We are offering businesses (as well as their clients) a chance to use our technology to build private blockchains using the OLE-method. In this manner, businesses with their own internal IT-department are able to continuously improve and optimize their own internal processes. Also, businesses offering IT-consultancy to clients, could deploy OLE-blockchain engineers, offering to construct private blockchains for the needs of their clients using the OLE-method.